D Acres Permaculture Through the Seasons Design Certification Course

Registration Form Here

Internationally recognized 72 hour design course instructed by Steve Whitman, Stacey Doll, Liz Kelly, Molly Messenger, Josh Arnold & Josh Trought


This curriculum based course introduces the ethics, principles and practices of permaculture. This course is designed to maximize practical learning by following the annual flow of the seasons. Participants will gain exposure to the rthymn of the seasons and activities at the farm from planting to harvest & preservation. The course culminates with a permaculture design presented by each student for a location of their choice.

This course is especially useful for homeowners, planners, design professionals, community organizers, farmers, and gardeners. It is adapted to a wide variety of learning styles and is presented via lecture, images, video, group discussion, hands on experiences, exercises, and design projects. Throughout the course each student will be working on a design project for their own property. The course will meet on Saturday and Sunday of the identified weekends, and tuition includes 4 nourishing organic meals and simple accommodations for one night each weekend.

Course graduates will receive a Permaculture design certificate.

If you are working toward a sustainable future and want practical tools and applicable methodologies, then this course is for you!

Topics covered will include:
· Permaculture ethics and principles
· The Design Process
· Food and Energy Security
· Natural Systems and biodiversity
· Site Analysis and assessment
· Backyard Gardening and Sustainable Agriculture
· Natural Building and Appropriate Technology
· Sustainable Forestry and Creating Food Forests
· Animals in the Permaculture System
· Solar Greenhouse Design
· Village Design and local economics
· Preserving the Harvest
· Holistic Orcharding
+ A Design Project for your site!

The course is primarily taught at D Acres although there are occasional field trips to specific sites in the area.
Camping and indoor overnight accommodations are available.

Course starts in May and meets one weekend each month for 7 months with the July Northeast Permaculture Convergence optional. The weekends of the course are:
· May 20-21
· June 10-11
· July 15-16
· August 19-20
· August 26 - NH Permaculture Gathering at Mt Kearsage Indian Museum (highly recommended, but course fee does not include registration to this event.)
· September 16-17
· October 14-15
· November 11-12

Tuition: Full payment is due with registration
Includes Saturday lunch & dinner, Sunday breakfast & lunch as well as overnite accommodations.
$1,350.00 course fee if registered by 3/15/17

$1,400.00 after 3/15/17

$100.00 cancellation fee until 4/1/17, no refunds after 4/15/17

Registration Form for 2017 Design Class

For More Information:
Contact D Acres or call Liz Kelly at (860)573.6458 or email [email protected]

2017 Course Flyer

Video of 2016 Course Participant's Design Presentation

Video of 2015 Course Participant's Design Presentation

Video of 2014 Course Participant's Design Presentations

Video of 2013 Course Participants Design Presentations

Video "What is Permaculture?"

Video "Permaculture Ethics & Philosophy"

Intro to Permaculture with Steve Whitman


The Instructors:

Josh Trought & staff comprise the D Acres teaching cadre. We provide hands-on practical systems study & implementation of rural farm & community scale permaculture.

Stacey Doll graduated from Frostburg State University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and spent 10 plus years as a land use planner, community planner, sustainability coordinator and energy and climate coordinator in New Hampshire. Stacey has been a member of the American Planning Association for twelve years, and has been a certified planner with the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) since 1994. She received recognition as the Land Use Planner of the Year from the NH Planners Association in 1995. Stacey completed her Permaculture Design Certification in January 2013, an Advanced Permaculture Diploma in May 2013 in Franklin, NH, hosted and participated in the Advanced Permaculture Diploma in Littleton, NH in May 2014 for the River District, completed her Permaculture Teacher Training certification in August 2014, and co-taught the Manchester Advanced Permaculture Design Course in November 2014. Stacey completed teaching a Permaculture Design Certification Course in Canterbury Shaker Village in the summer of 2015 with two permaculture colleagues and completed teaching the first Permaculture Design Certification Course in Littleton, NH in the spring of 2016.

Liz Kelly is based out Keene, New Hampshire. Currently, Liz is a planningprofessional for a regional planning commission where her work largely focuses onsustainable transportation. Liz received her Permaculture Design Certificate from Plymouth State University in 2012 and her Permaculture Teachers Certification in 2014. She has experience working on small-scale organic market farms (both permaculture and non-permaculture focused) in Virginia and North Carolina. She also holds a M.S. in Ecological Design from The Conway School in western Massachusetts, where she's created professional designs and plans for residential homeowners and organizations. In her free time, Liz enjoys yoga, dancing, gardening, hiking, and anything hilarious, sarcastic, or silly.

Steven Whitman is a professional planner and educator based in New Hampshire and his work is focused largely on community planning and sustainability issues. Steve is a certified permaculture teacher, and is also an adjunct faculty member at Plymouth Sate University and Colby Sawyer College. Steve frequently teaches courses in the US and internationally in environmental planning, community planning, permaculture, natural building and sustainability. Steve lives in Plymouth, NH and participates in a wide range of greassroots efforts that promote community resilience.

Josh Arnold and Molly Messenger are community organizers based in Ossipee, New Hampshire. Molly directs Pittsfield Listens, working with youth and adults across diverse perspectives and backgrounds to help impact the future of Pittsfield, NH. Recent projects have focused on the redesign of the public middle-high school to shift to an approach called student-centered learning. Josh directs Global Awareness Local Action (G.A.L.A.). Through G.A.L.A., he organizes a monthly “re-skill-ience” workshops, contra dances, study circles, and a sustainable home and yard makeover service known as Sustain-A-Raisers. Josh and Molly live in a former Grange Hall that they are- bit by bit- bringing back to life, in a slow solutions sort of way. They find a lot of joy exploring the relationships between permaculture, mindfulness, social justice, nonviolence, and historic preservation. The idea of ‘social permaculture’ resonates in their learning and lifestyle. Their morning smoothies are often pedal powered.





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