· Working at D Acres >Artist-in-Residence / Tradesperson


We are seeking motivated personnel to take on developing and amplifying the pursuit of various projects at D Acres. If you have the skills and energy to take on multiple specialties or slices of project pies you are encouraged to begin a dialogue with us.

Specialists Opportunities Available

Hospitality - manage reservations and maintain accommodations for overnite visitors

Herbology - maintain and enhance existing herb gardens, develop products for in-house usage, develop products for sale, facilitate classes and workshops to public

Woodworking - maintain and amplify existing woodworking program, provide for farm needs onsite, develop products for sale, offer classes and workshops to public

Special Projects - design and implementation of various on-going & new projects. Projects include solarium, bicycle powered tools, ground driven farm implements, grey-water & living machine wastewater recycling, wind &, micro hydro power generation, solar hot water applications, grounds GPS mapping, icehouse

Metal Fabrication - maintain and amplify existing metalworking program, provide for farm needs onsite, develop products for sale, offer classes and workshops to public

Videography - maintain, enhance, and amplify existing program…

Graphic Design - coordinate existing media ads & website as well as add flair to our public presentations at all levels

Youth Ed- coordinate with area schools, camps and home scholars to develop an ongoing program of youth education

Renewable Energy - document and improve our onsite energy consumption and efficiency, develop solutions to provide greater power and reduced consumption

Alternative Construction - design/build structures onsite using integrated earthen construction techniques, offer classes and workshops to public

Forestry - From woodlot to board feet. Whole forest system including logging, animal powered extraction, chipping, firewood, and recreational trail maintenance & development

Fruit& Nut Nursery Perennial Specialist - management of existing orchard for production and disease & pest resistance, nursery development for onsite amplification and sale

Animal Husbandry - care of chickens, ducks, pigs, oxen, bees, worms, dairy. Housing, feeding, rotation, birth to death mutualistic commitment

Fundraising & Grant Writing - do it

Bookkeeping - experience and detail orientation required

Events Coordination- advertise and organize regular and special events

Seed Saving - amplification of onsite program, facilitate regional seed saving efforts, provide classes & workshops for public education

Marketing/Media/Correspondence- advertising and communications specialist

Mechanic / Electrician / Plumbing

Volunteer & Membership Coordinator- organizing outreach to participants in the wider community

Participation in community contract & processes is also expected.

Before You Apply Read
Organizational Manual
Projects and Goals
Daily Life at D Acres

Application Form

upcoming events Upcoming Events
Social Networking D Acres of NH Blog