· Local Initiatives > Local Goods Guide


Pemi-Baker Valley Guide to Local Goods

For the past six years, D Acres of NH has been spearheading the Local Goods Guide initiative--bringing consumers in connection with local producers, goods, and services. The Guide has grown tremendously since its inception as a small tri-fold brochure in 2006 that included only 6 farm listings, to a 24-page booklet that maps over 40 farms and 23 locally owned retailers.

In 2013 the Guide will be gaining its independence from D Acres of NH, as it becomes a self-funded independent entity. While D Acres will continue to be actively involved in the production of the guide, it is rewarding to see the program become a community-organized entity.

Veggie Art Girl Stacey Lucas, who has been the graphic design & layout coordinator for the Guide, has stepped into a leadership role this year. Her experience as a small business-owner and enthusiastic advocate for buying local and NH-made products makes her a perfect fit to continue her work with the Guide.

We are pleased to welcome Sonia Gaudette to the team as the advertising coordinator and point person for the artist/crafter/secondhand good shops. She brings her expertise in the publication field after years of working with newspapers.

Regina Rinaldo, D Acres' staff member, will continue her role as point person for the farm and agricultural product listings.

The 7th Edition Local Goods Guide is an evolving resource that encourages the localization and revitalization of our economy. By continuing to offer this comprehensive guide, we hope to emphasize agrarian and artistic abundance in New Hampshire and promote a thriving, resilient rural community while ensuring the nutrition, food security, and sovereignty of our region.

Coming soon to your favorite local spot--
the 2013 Local Goods Guide: Your Source for Homegrown Foods, Handmade Wares & Pre-loved Goods in the Mountains, Lakes & Valleys of NH

Download the 2012 Pemi-Baker Valley Guide to Local Food!(11Mb)

Local Goods Guide Advertising Packet

Local Goods Guide Listing Information

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