· Media > Published Articles > Gardening


foodincGardening Articles

"Perennial Vegetables: Grow More Food With Less Work" by Beth Weick, as published in Morth Earth News, April /May 2012

"Pig-powered Potatoes: A Story of Land Transformation" by Bethann Weick, as published in Permaculture Activist No. 82, Winter 2011-12

"Indoor Seeding & Transplanting" posted April 2011

"Farming for the Future" by Dr. Richard Churchill, as published in People, Places, and Plants, Summer 2008

"Pruning" (pdf) by Josh Trought , published March 2007

backhomecover"North East Food Poverty" by Josh Trought, published January 2007

"A Guide to Creating a No-Till Garden" By Michelle Nowak, Garden Manager 2005 Growing Season, published February 2006

"Perennial Forest Gardening at D Acres" by Joshua Trought, published April 2005

"Preparing A Vegetable Plot - Workshop Handout" (pdf) by Josh Trought & Micki Visten, posted October 2004

"Compost This Newspaper!!!" By Josh Trought, as published in The Pemi Chapter, Audubon Society of New Hampshire

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