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The Movement - Articles

"Strengthening Community through a Multi-Farm CSA" by Scott Codey & Bethann Weick, as published in Permaculture Activist; Summer 2012

"D Acres: The Season Begins - Spring comes to Dorchester" by Bethann Weick, as published in Small Farmers Journal; Fall 2011:Vol. 35 #4

"Week in the Life of D Acres: What's Going on Here?" By Bethann Weick, Published: Small Farmers Journal; Spring 2011:Vol. 35 #2

"D Acres Organic Farm & Educational Homestead" By: Bethann Weick, Published: Small Farmers Journal; Spring 2009:Vol. 33 #2

"Global Citizenship and Local Sustainability" by Miss Fay Strongin, as published in Issues magazine March 2009

"In 2009: A Resolution to Conserve" by Josh Trought, Director, D Acres of NH, published January 2009

"Permaculture, Community & Home" by Josh Trought, published November 2008

"A Farm Full of Ideas" by Kathleen Hatt, as published in Farming: The Journal of Northeast Agriculture, published August 2008

"Diversity in Community: Animals in the D Acres Integrated Farm System" by Lauren Buyofsky and Bill Errickson, as published in Permaculture Activist No. 68, Fall 2007

"Food From Waste: Getting Piggy With Integrated Waste Management" By Josh Trought, as published in Permaculture Activist No. 64 Summer 2007

"New Years resolutions" by Josh Trought, published January 2007

"How to Avoid Hazardous Waste in the Household" by Josh Trough, published January 2007

"Adjusting to a Sustainable Food System" by Josh Trought, published January 2007

"Making Use of Waste" by Josh Trought, as published in the Record Enterprise March 2, 2024

"Expectations" by Josh Trought, published February 2005

"The Rainbow Caravan for Peace" by Josh Trought published July 2004

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