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"The New Hampshire Permaculture Gathering" by Beth Weick, as published in North Country News, August 2012

The New Hampshire Permaculture Gathering is fast approaching! This is a chance to gather, to network, to learn, and to skill-share with fellow permaculturalists, sustainability enthusiasts, agricultural activists, homesteaders, small-scale farmers, and homescale gardeners within our state.

Hosted by D Acres Farm (218 Streeter Woods Rd., Dorchester) and co-sponsored by NOFA-NH, Greater Seacoast Permaculture Group, & Central NH Permaculture Group, the event will be held Saturday, August 25 9am-7:30pm. The will be choc full with farm tours, networking opportunities, skill-sharing workshops, farm fresh meals grown and prepared by D Acres, and a keynote lunch presentation by Jonathan Bates.

Workshop schedule includes Intro to Permaculture, Intro to Composting, Soil Fertility, Intro to Beekeeping, Intro to Urban & Suburban Permaculture, Intro to Handhewing, Bread Baking, Dandelion Wine Making, Soapmaking, and Mushrooms. A full agenda of the day's events are available by contacting D Acres as HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected] or 603-786-2366. Pre-registration is encouraged; $20 suggested donation includes access to all aspects of the day's events, as well as all-you-can-eat D Acres lunch. Folks are encouraged to stay into the evening, with live music by The Goodhues Band to cap off the day's events.

The agriculture learning process is a lifetime investment; with the New Hampshire Permaculture Gathering we are intent on sparking interest, community, and support networks to foster the learning journey in which we are all engaged. Whether this is your introduction to the permaculture model, or you are interested in expanding your projects, or are in need of a community in which to share and grow your enthusiasm, this first-time event is an unique opportunity to integrate and network all levels of practitioners. Thanks to our co-sponsors, the event is drawing participants from across the Granite State, representing an exceptional potential for collaboration, skill-sharing, and cross-pollination of ideas.

Permaculture represents a lifestyle and a mode of thinking, not simply an alternative style of gardening and building. As such, the New Hampshire Permaculture Gathering intends to unite likeminded individuals and enhance the webs of knowledge, encouragement, support, and agricultural passion that exist across our state. By developing a community of enthusiasts and practitioners, we aim to develop permaculture knowledge and interest for the benefit and growth or our regional well-being. A better world can start here. Join us in our efforts at modeling the world in which we want to live. Connect with us Saturday, August 25: contact D Acres at [email protected] or 603-786-2366. We look forward to seeing you at the farm!

Bethann Weick lives and works at D Acres Permaculture Farm & Education Center, a non-profit education organization. She first came to the farm in April 2008 and now focuses her work on gardening, animal husbandry, and writing. Check out her recent articles published in Small Farmer's Journal and Permaculture Activist. Learn more about the programs at D Acres by visiting www.dacres.org.

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